Sunday, February 18, 2007

Today's funny

Just a week after Alaska Rep. Don Young used a fabricated President Lincoln quote during the Iraq escalation debate on the House floor, Cannonfire blog has found more newfound Lincoln quotes, (warning, a few are tasteless) including:

"They fired on Fort Sumter? Invade Canada!"
- Abraham Lincoln, 1861

"The Log Cabin Republicans give me a bad name."
-Abraham Lincoln

"The Confederates will greet us with magnolia blossoms and pralines."
-A. Lincoln

"Four score and...uh, er...........won't get fooled again."
-A. Lincoln, date uncertain

"The real reason I started the Civil War was that I had issues about my father."
- A. Lincoln

"Pull my finger."
- A. Lincoln, Second Inaugural

Meanwhile, David Swanson, co-founder of the coalition, reminds us what Lincoln really did say, and when, in a Truthout article.

1 comment:

DannyLMcDaniel said...

You are correct. Those quotes weren not from Honest Abe but from his best friend Jefferson Davis. You can quote me on that!

Danny L. McDaniel
Lafayette, Indiana